Welcome to the product training for AC40 audiometer. On this page you will find an overview of all the available training materials and support.
Pure tone audiometry measures hearing sensitivity at various frequencies for air conduction and bone conduction. The test can specify the air conduction and bone conduction loss and distinguish between abnormality in the conductive mechanism and sensor neural mechanism. Masking can be applied to both the air conduction and bone conduction threshold to establish pure tone thresholds.
For a more detailed description on how to use the stand-alone audiometer, please refer to the relevant Instructions for Use.
1. Launch the audiometer PC controlled from the Diagnostic Suite as stand-alone or from NOAH or OtoAccess™.
2. Click on the AUD tab on the upper right hand side of the screen.
3. Click on the icon to launch the tone audiometry screen, if Tone audiometry is not the default screen.
4. Select the desired Audiometry protocol from the Protocols and Sessions drop down list.
5. Choose the transducer type and stimulus type, if not already predefined from the Protocol Setup.
6. The Frequency range can be operated from the PC keyboard with the mouse or from the audiometer:
7. Choose the intensity:
8. Present the stimuli:
9. If masking is necessary:
It is possible to define the output of channels for each protocol from the protocol settings.