Welcome to the product training for AC40 audiometer. On this page you will find an overview of all the available training materials and support.
This video will provide an overview of the AC40 audiometer.
starting at the top of the audiometer, a flip-up display screen is used for easy viewing capability by the examiner.
To the sides of this screen are two monitor speakers for audibility of patient verbal responses and monitoring of test signals presented to the client.
The talk forward swan neck microphone is located under the flip-up screen.
Place this microphone in the talk forward port by simply removing the rubber plug and push the microphone into the port.
An additional mic monitor headset is included with the device to meet all examiner preferences.
Locate the jacks of the mic monitor headset on the side of the audiometer.
The jacks include a picture label and are color coded for correct placement.
Once these jacks are plugged into the outlets, the device automatically activates the mic monitor headset and turns off the external speaker and swan neck microphone.
Next to the mic monitor jacks are two usb connectors.
These can be used for connecting an external printer keyboard or usb sticks for installing firmware or Wave file materials.
The power switch is on the right side of the unit.
Once turned on, the audiometer will take a minute to boot up.
The screen display lights up and the Interacoustics logo appears.
This startup screen also provides the firmware version of the device.
The large black attenuator dials on the audiometer keyboard allow for changing of the intensity of the stimulus.
The left dial changes the intensity for channel 1 and the right dial manipulates channel 2.
The button configuration of the AC40 provides selection on the left side of the audiometer for channel 1 operation and selection on the right side for channel 2 operation.
The middle button selection is used for specific test functions.
The button overview is provided in a separate video tutorial.