Welcome to the product training for AC40 audiometer. On this page you will find an overview of all the available training materials and support.
The tone screen shows the audiometer settings and testing results while conducting pure tone audiometry.
This video will explain the use of the function keys that line the bottom of the screen.
You can find the audiometer keyboard button overview in a separate video.
The function key selection allows for increased efficiency with the audiometer and testing time due to simple selection from the main screen.
Each test has a different set of function keys to assist the examiner.
Within the function key list, when a label is a lighter shade, this notifies the examiner this is not an active key.
This is due to the licensing of the equipment or setup.
Some of the function keys can be defaulted in the setup menu screens, but this video will identify each function key and the available options when in the tone screen.
The first function key is the HF phone or high frequency phone.
This allows immediate use of the HDA200 phones for high-frequency testing.
Once the HF phone key is selected, the HF and HFz function keys activate on the right side of the screen.
If the device was purchased without the high-frequency upgrade, these function key labels are blank.
The measurement type function key specifies the test to store the correct symbol on the audiogram.
You must select thus before storing the results.
The results condition function key allows for aided and binaural storing of results with an A or B display on the audiogram.
This function key is only active when the transducer selection is FF1 or FF2.
The magnify function key increases the size of the top bar to display the frequency and decibel level of channels 1 and 2.
The mask info function key displays the masking table below the audiogram to document masking intensity levels for:
Dual audiogram display is required for the display of masking information.
The MF or multi-frequency function key activates additional testing frequencies beyond the standard octaves.
You can modify the quantity of test frequencies available per octave in the tone setting setup screen.
The HF or high-frequency function key displays the audiogram with the addition of 9 to 20 kHz.
This key will only activate when the audiometer is licensed for high-frequency testing and the HF phone function key is selected.
The HFz or high-frequency zoom function key only displays the high frequencies from 8 to 20 kHz.
This allows for increased visibility of the specific frequency and stored threshold.
This key is only active when the audiometry is licensed for high-frequency testing and the HF function key is selected.