Weber Test

11 February 2022
10 mins

What is the Weber test?

The Weber test distinguishes between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss using a bone conductor.


Required equipment

  • AC40 clinical audiometer
  • Bone conductor


Weber test procedure

  1. Press TestsWeber to enter the Weber test screen.
  2. Place the bone conductor on your patient’s forehead.
  3. Instruct your patient to tell you if they hear the tones presented better to the right, left, center, or not heard at all.
  4. Present a tone at a level of 10 dB above the worst BC. You can select whether you want a tone or warble stimulus by pressing the Tone/Warble keys on the device.
  5. Await response from the patient and click on the corresponding soft button.


Weber test results

If the patient hears the tone better in the poorer ear, the hearing loss is conductive. If the patient hears the tone better in the better ear, the hearing loss is sensorineural at the given frequency.



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Interacoustics - hearing and balance diagnosis and rehabilitation
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