Welcome to the product training for AC40 audiometer. On this page you will find an overview of all the available training materials and support.
The speech settings offer setup of user preferences when in the speech screen.
Once inside this menu, choose between the different options by using the right attenuator wheel while the left attenuator wheel changes the individual settings for selection.
There are different sections to the screen such as measurement type, representation, controls and more.
Each section will be reviewed starting with measurement type.
Measurement type allows the examiner to have a default setup of aided or binaural so that results are stored correctly.
This setting is for storing purposes only and not for audiometer setup to conduct the test.
You should only check this when the first test you perform is an aided or binaural condition.
Masking type presets the masking noise once activated in channel two.
The selection is between speech noise and white noise.
Table mode and graph mode allow for the display of the testing results to be in a table or graph.
Measurement type allows the examiner to default the setup storing of the first test conducted in a speech screen.
The selection options are:
'Magnify the head up display' allows the top black heading to be defaulted to a larger display upon entering the screen.
The controls section is specific to the speech presentation.
The first option is number of words, which can be from 10 to 29 and stops the counter once the selected number is reached.
Storing the results will return it back to zero.
This setting is only configured for microphone or CD.
Wave file presentation is not controlled by this field.
'Reset speech score on intensity change' resets the counter to zero automatically as soon as the intensity is changed within channel 1.
'Reset score on HL to UCL change' resets the score when a change in measurement type is completed.
This includes SRT, MCL, UCL and the word recognition lists.
This section defaults the settings for utilizing Wave files within the audiometer.
When the device arrives, there are multiple Wave file lists included with the purchase.
These include:
Each wave file has multiple recordings associated with it, so selection of the most commonly used list is recommended.
When multiple recordings are needed with the same client, returning to the speech setup screen and changing the selection will allow for access to additional recordings and testing to proceed.
It is important to note the QuickSIN is a Wave file within this list, which should never be selected.
There is a special test screen used for this test with scoring ability.
'Wave running mode' sets the presentation of scoring of the Wave files.
The selections available include manual, continue, or timeout.
Manual requires the examiner to select the word to be presented to the client.
This is completed by pressing the shift key and rotating the attenuator wheel until the desired word is highlighted.
Pressing the tone switch will then present to the client.
Once it has been presented and scored by selecting the correct or incorrect buttons on the audiometer keyboard, the examiner can move to the next word by pressing shift and rotating the attenuator wheel again.
Continue will start at the first word of the list and move on to the next word as soon as a score is entered.
The correct or incorrect buttons on the audiometer keyboard will score the result and then automatically move to the next word for presentation to the client.
Timeout allows the least amount of buttons to be pushed by the examiner when performing the speech test through Wave files.
Timeout allows the examiner to score only those words that are correct or incorrect depending on the settings.
For example, when correct is checked, the audiometer will automatically count that word as correct if the examiner hasn't selected incorrect from the audiometer keyboard within two seconds.
It will then wait another three seconds before playing the next word.
The examiner can change the timing field to allow the continue or timeout modes to move quicker or pause longer.
The bottom of the screen offers two function keys for phone norms curves and free field norms curves.
This displays the norm data on the graph type display on the speech screen.
By pressing the function key, this norm data can be changed.
Once in the norms display, use the left attenuator wheel for changing the selection of the highlighted field and the right attenuator wheel to move to the next field.
To back out without saving, select the 'Back' function key.
To save the speech settings, select the 'SaveAs' function key.
Shut the device and turn it back on for changes to take place.