This feature is the ability to customize the left side panel and the icons that you are able to see when doing audiometry.
You can hide or show them depending upon what you are using.
So let's have a quick look at that now, and I can show you how to access this in the software.
So first of all, you need to click on "Menu", "Setup" and then "Enable/disable icons".
For the benefits of this video, everything has been enabled at the start.
But if you then want to turn certain features on or off - for example I don't use the masking helper or auto masker - and because I am working in a scenario with my patient where they are sitting side by side with me, I can turn off my monitor function and the talk back microphone.
So when I click away from that now, you will notice that the icons on the left panel have now disappeared for those features that I've turned off.
Learn how to customize the icons you see in the left side panel when doing audiometry.