Difficulty with hearing in background noise is a common complaint among hearing aid users. Therefore, the measurement of SNR loss (signal-to-noise ratio loss) is important because a person’s ability to understand speech in noise cannot be reliably predicted from the pure tone audiogram. The VDB-Express test was developed to provide a quick estimate of SNR loss for French listeners. A list of nine sentences with three key words per sentence is presented in speech babble noise. The sentences are presented at pre-recorded signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) which decrease in 3-dB steps from -18 dB (very easy) to 3 dB (extremely difficult). The SNRs used are: -18, -15, -12, -9, -6, -3, 0 and 3 dB, encompassing normal to severely impaired performance in noise.
Clinicians are now able to compare the Unaided and Aided SNR scores.
To view the scores in a graph view, click on the graph icon