The Sera™ automated ABR algorithm uses weighted averaging technology to combat against noise in the recording. Using the EarCups with Sera™ also helps to reduce noise in challenging testing conditions.
The unique Sera™ pre-amplifier ensures optimum performance in electrically hostile environments.
A group of dedicated engineers at Interacoustics have perfected the OAE detection algorithms, offering unprecedented reliability in their resistance to noise and other artifacts.
Together with its sleek design and special on-screen user guidance, Sera™ makes sure that you always obtain a proper probe seal.
CE-Chirp® 200 Hz – 11 kHz
Level: 35 dB nHL
Analysis time: 3 minutes
2000 to 5000 Hz
Level: L1 = 65 dB SPL, L2 = 55 dB SPL
Analysis time: 60 seconds
1500 to 4000 Hz
Level: 83 dB peSPL, peak to peak calibrated, AGC controlled
Analysis time: 60 seconds
Newborn hearing screening requires complex and sensitive technology to be able to record the electrophysiological and physiological responses (ABR and OAE). At the same time, newborns have very small ear canals, which means the probe must be quite small and lightweight to fit properly. In addition, newborns often have earwax and fetal fat in their ear canal, which can impede the sensitive equipment.
SnapPROBE™ is a small and lightweight probe with a smooth surface. The smooth surface means it is easy to keep clean, accommodating for the hygienic demands in clinical practice.
SnapPROBE™ comes with two designated ear tips of a conical or narrow shape, which are longer compared to other models. They are designed to catch earwax and other foreign bodies that could harm the probe electronics.
Combined with its designated ear tips, SnapPROBE™ increases stimulus stability and reduces noise during measurements.
1. The ABRIS module offers automated ABR testing
Jessica A. Ramos, MSc Audiology, demonstrates how easy and fast you can do an OAE screening of a newborn baby using the Sera™ device.
Check out the latest training material for Sera™.