Equinox Evo

Audiometry made evolutionary
Move beyond traditional audiometry with the Equinox Evo and Touch Keyboard.
Please note that this product is not available in all countries
Frontal view of Equinox Evo and Touch Keyboard

Equinox Evo

Audiometry made evolutionary

Move beyond traditional audiometry with the Equinox Evo and Touch Keyboard.
Please note that this product is not available in all countries
A clinician using the Equinox Evo and Touch Keyboard to perform audiometry in a teenager sitting in a booth

Evolve your clinical workflow

Introducing the Equinox Evo and Touch Keyboard. Together, they provide the simplicity and functionality essential for any audiometry setup.

The Equinox Evo is a 2-channel clinical audiometer that adds more than simple audiometry to the clinic or hospital.

It contains the latest tests for pediatric audiometry and a large battery of advanced tests – such as the Audible Contrast Threshold test.

Advanced audiometry made simple

The wireless Touch Keyboard with ergonomic dials and dedicated test screens only shows what you need for each specific test.
Everything you need is at your fingertips, allowing you to concentrate on your patient.
Pediatric (VRA) test screen with the Touch Keyboard. For channels 1 and 2, it is possible to change the stimulus level and type. There are buttons to reward right or left, enable conditioning, and change the frequency level. Finally, there is a table showing the scored hearing threshold for each ear and for each frequency
All you need for pediatric assessments

A customized testing solution
Build your own protocols to ensure that each patient receives the hearing care that is specifically suited to their individual needs and conditions.

Speech test screen with the Touch Keyboard. For channels 1 and 2, it is possible to change the stimulus level. A speech score is displayed alongside the word count and word list. Below, there are previous words labeled red if the response was incorrect and green if the response was correct. The current word is highlighted in the middle with the next words displayed to the right. At the bottom, the user can score correct or incorrect using the checkmark and cross buttons, respectively. There are also the options to pause or stop the test
Scoring of speech results at your fingertips

Every test at your fingertips
The wireless Touch Keyboard is easy to use, with familiar dials and buttons like you know them from standalone audiometers, and a simple touch screen that shows only what you need for each test.

Pure tone audiometry test screen with the Touch Keyboard. For channels 1 and 2, it is possible to change the stimulus level and type. The frequency is displayed toward the top, with buttons below to decrease or increase the frequency
What you need is what you see

Flexibility to manage complex test setups
Free Field+ allows you to easily switch between different free field setups with the option to add up to 4 speakers allowing complex testing to be carried out with ease.

Audiometry made across a lifespan

Icon displaying a young patient and an old patient

For every age
The Equinox Evo offers the most comprehensive test battery to support the clinical assessment of all patients – regardless of age.

Icon displaying an adult patient

For every individual
Two patients with the same audiogram can experience hearing loss differently. With the Equinox Evo, you can personalize your testing strategy for their individual needs.

Icon displaying three arrows pointing up and to the right

For the future
With the Equinox Evo and Touch Keyboard, you have all the latest audiometric advancements on a single platform designed to grow with your clinical needs.

Eight patients stood or sat next to each other in chronological order from baby to elderly
Congenital hearing loss
Premature monitoring
Neonates a risk monitoring
Generic hearing loss
Monitor middle ear infections
Pre-school assessment
Auditory processing problems
Cochlear implant candidacy
Premature monitoring
Cochlear implant candidacy
Auditory processing problems
Behavioral communication
Generic hearing loss
Monitor middle ear infections
Pre-school assessment
Auditory processing problem
Cochlear implant candidacy
Ototoxicity monitoring
Non-organic hearing loss
Work related hearing loss
Ototoxicity monitoring
Non-organic hearing loss
Noise induced hearing loss
Health and safety monitoring
Hearing sensivity
Cochlear implant candidacy
Work related hearing loss
Ototoxicity monitoring
Non-organic hearing loss
Noise induced hearing loss
Health and safety monitoring
Hearing sensivity
Cochlear implant candidacy
Work related hearing loss
Ototoxicity monitoring
Non-organic hearing loss
Noise induced hearing loss
Health and safety monitoring
Hearing sensivity
Cochlear implant candidacy
Ototoxicity monitoring
Noise induced hearing loss
Health and safety monitoring
Hearing sensivity
Cochlear implant candidacy
Cognitive decline
Monitoring hearing and balance abilities
Clinician sat in booth with a young child and operating the Touch Keyboard

Audiometry made for children

By combining the Touch Keyboard with the Equinox Evo, you have a fully integrated pediatric audiometric solution that allows you to fully engage with your patient.

Did you know you can?

  • Use the wireless Touch Keyboard to bring the audiometer controls closer to the child.
  • Simplify your audiometry assessment by using the Touch Keyboard with integrated VRA controls.
  • Make use of a range of stimuli including frequency-filtered sounds to help maintain the child’s attention.
  • Record VRA responses using an automatic, integrated ticksheet.
Close up of the Touch Keyboard displaying the pure tone audiometry screen. A clinician is using the left dial for the right ear
Ergonomic design for intuitive operation.
Unplug to operate in-booth when needed.
Dedicated and translated test screens to make sure you only see what you need.

A wealth of tests and functionalities

Equinox Evo comes with a variety of tests, functionalities and modules that can be tailored to your specific needs.
To help you decide what you need, this table shows what’s available.

A clinician explaining Audible Contrast Threshold results to an adult patient

Leap into the future of audiometry

Want to learn more about the Equinox Evo and Touch Keyboard? Then make sure to contact your local distributor.

Tailor the Equinox Evo to your testing needs
Please note that tests and modules may vary from country to country.
Pure tone audiometry
  • Tone audiometry
    • Hearing level (HL)
    • Most comfortable level (MCL)
    • Uncomfortable level (UCL)
  • Bone conduction
    • Mastoid
    • Forehead
  • Masking
    • Masking helper
    • Auto masking
  • High frequency (HF), up to 20 kHz
  • Multi frequency (MF)
  • Weber
  • Stenger
  • Tone Decay
  • Tone in noise (Langenbeck)
  • Threshold Equalizing Noise (TEN)
  • Short Incriment Sensitivity Index (SISI)
  • Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance (ABLB - Fowler)
  • Tinnitus test modality
    • Pure tone threshold
    • Loudness matching
    • Frequency matching
  • Acceptable noise level (ANL)
  • Masking Level Difference (MLD)
  • Free Field+ (FF+)
Pediatric assessment
  • Integrated visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA) controls with designated VRA plug that supports:
    • VRA201
    • VRA Pure
    • Third-party VRA systems
  • Automated ticksheet
  • Frequency-filtered sounds:
    • Ling-6 sounds
    • Pediatric noise
    • ManU-IRU stimuli
  • Speech recognition threshold (SRT)
  • Word recognition (WR)
  • Phoneme score
  • Binaural Speech
  • Speech in quiet (SIQ)
  • Speech in noise (SIN)
  • Audible Contrast Threshold (ACT™)
  • Quick speech in noise (QuickSIN™)

  • Audiometer Keyboard
  • Touch Keyboard
Free Field speakers – recommended speaker setup
1 speaker
FF power, or FF line
2 speakers
FF power x2, or FF line x2
3 speakers
FF line x3
4 speakers
FF line x4
  • Master Hearing Aid (MHA)
  • Hearing Loss Simulator (HLS)
  • SoundStudio
  • Knaster
Communication and monitoring
  • Talk Forward: Enables the clinician to speak through the microphone and directly to the patient.
  • Talk Back: Allows the patient to talk to the clinician outside the booth.
  • Monitor: The monitor headset allows the clinician to listen to Channel 1 and 2 and the Talk Back from inside the booth.
  • Assistant monitor: Extra monitor headset for the assistant inside the booth where the assistant and operator are able to communicate both ways.
  • Telehealth: With the SEMS100 system, it is possible for the medical clinician to follow the test while trained personnel perform measurements. It also allows for remote, two-way communication using the assistant monitor headset.
  • Quality Indicators: Ensures that all test procedures have been followed and gives the clinician a visual view of what has been tested and what is missing to complete the session.
  • Patient monitor: Simplified views of the audiogram with counseling overlays.

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