How to export patient and tests to Noah

22 May 2023
10 mins

Before you can use this functionality, please visit and add the export to Noah feature to your OtoAccess Database product key.


Select patient and press the Noah export button

Figure 1: Selected patient (1) and Noah export button (2).


Log into Noah when prompted (Figure 2) and press “Grant” when prompted (Figure 3). Log in is not required every time. Noah requires periodic log in with intervals up to 4 hours.


The prompt says ‘The App OtoAccess Database requests access to the Noah data on SBPEmobileNoah using your credentials. Below, there’s two fields to enter the Noah user and password. Finally, there’s a sign in button.
Figure 2: Noah login prompt.


The prompt says ‘Hello sbpe, OtoAccess Database wants to access the following on your behalf: Data in the Noah installation: SBPEmobileNoah. Two options are available: ‘Grant’ and ‘Sign in as different user’.
Figure 3: Grant access to data in Noah.


Export patient to Noah

By default, the software will suggest “Create new patient” if it cannot match the patient from OtoAccess Database to an existing patient in Noah. If it can match, it will suggest targeting an existing patient. You can also force export tests to an existing patient in Noah by searching for the patient you want to add the tests to (Figure 4).


Below the patient selection options, the user can change selected sessions and then either press ‘cancel’ or ‘create’.
Figure 4: Create new, target existing, or search for existing patient.


Select which tests to export to Noah (optional)

You can only export Noah compatible tests. If you have not selected any tests, the software will export all relevant tests to Noah. Press “Back” when you’ve made your selection (Figure 5).


Two sessions are available in this example, both of which are tests in the AC440 audiometry module.
Figure 5: Overview of Noah compatible tests.


Press Create to start export to Noah

Patient will be created in Noah and selected tests will be exported (Figure 6).


Figure 6: Export complete.


Patient and selected tests are now ready for hearing aid fitting in Noah (Figure 7).


Figure 7: AC440 measurement available and visible in the Noah interface.



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