Bárány Society Meeting 2024

25 June 2024

We're excited to meet with colleagues and partners in person at the Bárány Society Meeting, scheduled for August 25-28 in Uppsala, Sweden. Meet us at booth 8 at this year's meeting, for which we’re gold sponsors.


Introducing Virtualis

At the Bárány Society Meeting, we're pleased to introduce Virtualis as a new member of the Interacoustics balance portfolio. The Virtualis product line offers personalized, efficient, and motivating balance assessment and training solutions to conduct functional tests and rehabilitate patients.

The product line includes:

Stop by our booth, where you will have the unique opportunity to see and try the MotionVR system, which combines virtual reality with a dynamic, 360-degree platform for balance assessments and training.


Patient strapped into a harness on the MotionVR system and performing a rehabilitation exercise using VR goggles

Take the MotionVR for a spin and feel the power of VR training.


TRV Chair demonstrations

Again at this year’s Bárány Society Meeting, we're delighted to have the TRV Chair at our booth. Our expert staff will gladly provide hands-on demonstrations – perhaps with you in it?


Find inspiration for your balance test battery

Our in-house balance experts will be ready to explain how our solutions could make a difference in your clinic for you and your patients.

Move through the balance journey from assessment to rehabilitation with the VisualEyes™ platform, TRV Repositioning Chair, Virtualis virtual reality, and much more.


Meet us at booth 8

Our expert staff are ready to help you out with your clinic’s needs for balance testing equipment. Booth hours (CEST):

  • August 25, 10.00-19.30
  • August 26, 08.30-16.00
  • August 27, 08.30-17.00


Related events

Later this year, we are glad to offer two related opportunities to learn more about the latest advances within vestibular diagnostics and balance rehabilitation.


1. Trends in Balance

In September, the Interacoustics Academy will be hosting their annual Trends in Balance course. This is a three-day online course which is free of charge.

Keep an eye out for our website and social media for more information and registration once we approach the event.


2. Vestibular Rehabilitation Workshop: Virtual Reality and Virtualis Technology

During October 21-23, the Interacoustics Academy and Balance Team are delighted to invite you to a 3-day, in-person workshop on vestibular rehabilitation, hosted at the Interacoustics HQ in Middelfart, Denmark.


What will you learn?

Throughout this 3-day workshop, you'll embark on an immersive journey into the world of virtual reality technology and its use in vestibular rehabilitation.



This workshop will link the diagnostic assessment to the latest technologies that support the objective functional assessment and successful rehabilitation of the patient. You'll also learn how to create and adapt individualized vestibular rehabilitation programs through case-based discussions.


Is this workshop for you?

This workshop is ideal for you if you're seeking to establish or enhance a vestibular rehabilitation program. If you're an existing Virtualis user, this is also an ideal training opportunity for you.

You should have experience in vestibular diagnostics and treating patients with vestibular dysfunction, or work in a vestibular rehabilitation service with a wish to enhance your clinical program.

Learn more and register here: Vestibular Rehabilitation Workshop: Virtual Reality and Virtualis Technology

Shane Seiger-Eatwell
Shane Seiger-Eatwell is a Master of Linguistics and Communication (cand.ling.merc.), having graduated from Aarhus University in 2018. He joined Interacoustics in January 2019 as a Marketing Communications Specialist.

Published: 25 June 2024
Modified: 25 June 2024


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Interacoustics - hearing and balance diagnosis and rehabilitation
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