Training in Wideband Tympanometry

Comparing wideband tympanometry with single frequency tympanometry

10 mins
07 February 2022


Summary of: Prieve, B. A., Feeney, M. P., Stenfelt, S., & Shahnaz, N. (2013). Prediction of conductive hearing loss using wideband acoustic immittanceEar and hearing34 Suppl 1, 54S–59S.

This article is a review of eight studies that looked at the effectiveness of wideband absorbance (WA) and tympanometry (WBT) on predicting conductive hearing loss (CHL). Combined, the studies included infants, children, older children, and adults. Overall, WBT was a good predictor of CHL. Specifically, univariate WBT and 1000 Hz tympanometry were similar in predicting CHL in infants and children. Although 226 Hz tympanometry is a better predictor of CHL than an ambient wideband measurement isolated to 250 Hz, multivariate measures of WBT that combines information across frequency is far better than single-frequency (univariate) WBT and tympanometry at predicting air-bone gaps of 15 to 30 dB in children. Additionally, in adults, WBT offers high sensitivity and specificity for predicting CHL due to otosclerosis, superior semicircular canal dehiscence, and ossicular discontinuity. Overall, WBT is noninvasive tool that can measure many frequencies in little time and while offer superior performance relative to single-frequency tympanometry for predicting CHL. This suggests the use of the Titan wideband absorbance module as a diagnostic platform can improve diagnostic prediction of the presence of conductive hearing loss over conventional tympanometry.


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